Behind the collection
The Dream
"I've never felt so much excitement as I did when I finished the first Siren ring."-JosieIn June 2019 I had a vivid dream that I was swimming at the bottom on the ocean amongst a ship wreck. The water was a misty light blue and inside the ship wreck laid a half open treasure chest, glistening with jewels. As I opened the heavy wooden box, out swam silver and gold fish with glistening scales and encrusted jewels. The jewellery in the chest was covered in scales which created a gorgeous shimmer and texture that danced in the reflected light. As I woke up from the dream I quickly scribbled down my thoughts in a note book I keep by my bed. The next day I went to the studio and got to work on creating my vision. I've never felt so much excitement as I did when I finished the first Siren ring.
The Process
How the collection is changing
Create a bespoke Siren treasure