Josie is on maternity leave from 16th March. All products are still available to purchase online and in the shop. Please see Instagram for opening hours

New shop at the Iron Gates in Frome

It's crazy to think that this time 5 years ago I was making jewellery in the corner of my bedroom in my windowsill. At the time I was stuck in a job that left me feeling emotionally exhausted and sad, but my new found love for silversmithing was just beginning to flourish, and I would spend every spare evening playing with new techniques and slowly finding my very own unique style. Little did I know that this would shape into a beautiful little business full of magic and determination.

Fast forward 5 years and the doors to my shared studio/shop in the heart of my hometown, Frome, have opened. I've been blown away by the support of new and existing customers. And being able to share this space with fellow jeweller, Emma Aitchison, who has a shared passion for sustainability is so amazing. I feel so full of gratitude it's hard to put it into words. I would not be here without the support of my customers and their undying love for my work. Every kind word and referral has shaped this business into something I am so deeply proud of. It has pushed my boundaries in ways I didn't think were possible and has shown me how resilient I can be in times of stress and pressure.

We are open 3 days a week to the public, so if you have your eye on a piece of jewellery, or just want to see the space please come and say hi!

Opening times:

Monday- CLOSED

Tuesday- 9-4 pm

Wednesday/ Thursday- Appointment only

Friday- 9-4 pm

Saturday- 10-5 pm

First Sunday of the month- 9-3 pm

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Meet the residents

The Iron Gates girl gang (without the gang)
This gorgeous building was once the Frome Pet shop. The building has been restored and is now the home to 8 female makers/artists/jewellers and 4 fabulous doggos. Come down for a spot of shopping, or just to see what a great job Alfie and Camilla have done at restoring the original features of this stunning 1700's building.

The Iron Gates, 9 King Street, Frome, Somerset, BA11 1BH
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